Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Home Wireless Networking in a Snap (Sams Teach Yourself in a Snap)

Home Wireless Networking in a Snap (Sams Teach Yourself in a Snap)

These days, nobody really wants to learn everything there is about their hardware and software. And even if you did, who has the time to endlessly tinker and play with it until you figure everything out? You just want a book that will quickly show you how to set up your home wireless network. Home Wireless Networking in a Snap is designed specifically for busy people like you.

This book covers the things that aren't already covered in the documentation that came with your equipment and the things you can't just figure out on your own. It is organized into a series of well-organized, bite-sized, quickly accomplished tasks, that lets you zero right in on particular tasks you want to accomplish. This hands-on approach to setting-up a secure home wireless network will have your network up and running in no time.

Teach Yourself TCP-IP In 24 Hours

Teach Yourself TCP-IP In 24 Hours

As the Internet continues to expand its reach, more and more users, administrators, and programmers need to learn about TCP/IP--the core standard behind the Internet, and the dominant protocol for networks throughout the world.

Sams Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 24 Hours provides a clear and concise introduction to TCP/IP. It is accessible enough for non-technical readers, yet specific enough for technical readers who are looking for a solid foundation in TCP/IP.

This edition adds coverage of recent developments that affect TCP/IP. New topics added include: wireless networking, spam control, broadband, and peer-to-peer networking technologies.

Teach Yourself Network Troubleshooting In 24 Hours

Teach Yourself Network Troubleshooting In 24 Hours


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