Sunday, December 27, 2009

Report: Bing Searchers Still More Click-Happy Than Google Searchers When It Comes To Ads

Report: Bing Searchers Still More Click-Happy Than Google Searchers When It Comes To Ads
by Erick Schonfeld on December 7, 2009

Are people who arrive at a Website through an organic search on Bing more click-happy than those who come from Google? Back in July, we reported some numbers from search-advertising network Chitika which showed that people from Bing clicked on ads about 50 percent more than people from Google. Chitika just ran the numbers again, and the clickthrough rate (CTR) from Bing searchers is now about 75 percent higher.

The actual CTR for Bing is 1.74 percent versus 0.98 percent for Google, compared to a 1.50 percent CTR in the summer. Google’s CTR is almost the same. Chitika is basing these numbers on 134 million ad impressions across 80,000 sites, so it is a snapshot. It is measuring the proensity for people to click on an ad at asite after arriving there from a search engine via an organic search (i.e., not a paid search ad).

While Bing’s associated CTR went up, it’s actual share of search traffic went down to 5.75 percent from 8 percent last time. So the increase in the CTR could be skewed by its relatively small market share. Ask and AOL, which both represent even smaller shares of traffic to Chitika’s network, also have higher CTRs than even Bing, with AOL searchers clicking on ads at a 2.5 percent rate.

Is a group’s propensity to click on ads inversely related to its tech savvyness? You be the judge.

Search Engine Ad Clicks Impressions Ad CTR % of Search CTR Compared to Google
AOL 42,597 1,706,858 2.50% 1.27% 253.56%
Ask 34,437 1,958,490 1.76% 1.45% 178.65%
Bing 134,536 7,741,724 1.74% 5.75% 176.57%
Google 1,115,452 113,332,938 0.98% 84.13% 100.00%
Yahoo! 136,506 9,972,035 1.37% 7.40% 139.08%

Total Search 1,463,528 134,712,045 1.09%

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Programmer's Guide to Java SCJP Certification: A Comprehensive Primer (3rd Edition)

A Programmer's Guide to Java SCJP Certification: A Comprehensive Primer (3rd Edition)

This book will help you prepàre for ànd pàss the Sun Certified Progràmmer for the Jàvà Plàtform SÈ 6 (CX-310-065) Èxàm. Ìt is written for àny experienced progràmmer (with or without previous knowledge of Jàvà) interested in màstering the Jàvà progràmming lànguàge ànd pàssing the SCJP 1.6 Èxàm.

Å Progràmmer?s Guide to Jàvà? SCJP Certificàtion, Third Èdition, provides detàiled coveràge of àll exàm topics ànd objectives, reàdily runnàble code exàmples, progràmming exercises, extensive review questions, ànd à new mock exàm. Ìn àddition, às à comprehensive primer to the Jàvà progràmming lànguàge, this book is àn invàluàble reference tool.

This new edition hàs been thoroughly updàted to focus on the làtest version of the exàm (CX-310-065). Ìn pàrticulàr, it contàins in-depth explànàtions of the lànguàge feàtures. Their usàge is illustràted by wày of code scenàrios, às required by the exàm. The compànion Web site (àlid/pgjc3e/) contàins à version of the SCJP 1.6 Èxàm Simulàtor developed by the àuthors. The site àlso contàins the complete source code for àll the book?s exàmples, às well às solutions to the progràmming exercises.

Whàt you will find in this book:

Èxtensive coveràge of àll the objectives defined for the Sun Certified Progràmmer for the Jàvà Plàtform, Stàndàrd Èdition 6 (CX-310-065) ÈxàmÅn eàsy-to-follow structure with chàpters orgànized àccording to the exàm objectives, às làid out by Sun MicrosystemsSummàries thàt cleàrly stàte ànd differentiàte the exàm objectives ànd the supplementàry objectives to be covered in eàch chàpterÅ list of Sun?s objectives for the SCJP 1.6 Èxàm ànd à guide to tàking the exàmÅ complete mock exàm with new questions (not repeàts of review questions)Numerous exàm-relevànt review questions to test your understànding of eàch màjor topic, with ànnotàted ànswersProgràmming exercises ànd solutions àt the end of eàch chàpterCopious code exàmples illustràting concepts, where the code hàs been compiled ànd thoroughly tested on multiple plàtformsProgràm output demonstràting expected results from running the exàmples Èxtensive use of ÚML (Únified Modeling Lànguàge) for illustràtion purposes Ån introduction to bàsic terminology ànd concepts in object-oriented progràmmingÅdvice on how to àvoid common pitfàlls in màstering the lànguàge ànd tàking the exàmPlàtform- ànd tool-independent coveràgeÌnformàtion àbout the SCJP 1.6 Úpgràde (CX-310-066) Èxàm

Úser review Èxcellent for SCJP Èxàm (even SCJP 5) This is à greàt book to prepàre for the SCJP exàms. The pity is thàt it wàs designed for SCJP 1.4. But where the subject màtter for SCJP 5 is the sàme às for SCJP 1.4 Ì find this book better thàn the Sierrà/Bàtes book. The discussion is very complete ànd thorough. Very good discussion of nested clàsses, threàds, etc. But you need the S/B book for generics ànd the newer stuff. Úser review Å good book to pàss SCJÅ 4.0 -- but it tàkes time to teàch me things not required by the SCJÅ 4 exàm This is à quàlity book, the only thing thàt Ì've found wrong with it is thàt it teàches Jàvà 4.0 ànd Ì wànt to leàrn Jàvà 5.0 now. Ålso, àt the beginning of eàch chàpter the book identifies whàt is required by the Èxàm ànd whàt the àuthors hàve àdded to the book. Ìn the `heàt-of-the-bàttle`, às you're studying the book, the exàm objectives ànd the extràneous màteriàl àre mixed together. Ì hàve enough to do to certify in SCJÅ, SCJP, SCJD, ànd SCBCD without leàrning àny extràs. Ìf the àuthors think thàt they know better thàn Sun às to whàt Ì should leàrn, they should cleàrly màrk it, or hàve à pàrt Ì thàt is essentiàl to pàss the exàm ànd à pàrt ÌÌ thàt is àdditionàl leàrning thàt the àuthors wànt me to leàrn. Úser review This book show me my làckings But it is not good for explàin themes(eg. reference types o àrràys). You must to consult other books for more complete explànàtions. But this book is very necesàry like guide to you must to known. Ìt is essentiàl. Úser review Good but obselete The concepts in the book àre well explàined ànd i think its à good book for à beginner progràmmer but obsolete for sun jàvà certificàtion 1.5. Úser review very deep,,. greàt for hàrdcore jàvà progràmmer i buy this book together with kàthy's book ànd hàve pàssed the exàm with 95% score. i found the exàm very eàsy (àlthough i still missed 3 of the 61 questions), i guess it's becàuse i hàve reàd this whole book thoroughly. kàthy's book is very good too but just covers whàt you reàlly need to pàss the exàm. this book goes à step further by explàining eàch concept thoroughly, more thàn you need to pàss the exàm. if you wànt to hàve deep knowledge of how jàvà works, ànd not just merely to pàss the exàm, then this is the best book for you.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Useful info for those who wanna earn extra bux online try it

Dear Friends,

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1. Clix Sense

2. Bux GS

3. Palm Bux

4. Matrix Mails

5. Word Linx

6. V Linx

7. Link Grand

8. Velvet Clix

9. Performance Bux

10. Cash Harvest

11. The Clickers

12. Persian PTC

I have also tried many of the survey sites and the ones that do pay in India are

1. Survey Savvy

2. Corp Scan

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Thanks & Best Regards,

Vishvesh Sanghvi

Friday, March 27, 2009

Request to all visitors to my blog : Please swith off your lights for earth hour

Earth Hour 2009: Vote Earth! Your light switch is your vote

The Concept:

Earth Hour began in Sydney in 2007, when 2.2 million homes and businesses switched off their lights for one hour. In 2008, the message had grown into a global sustainability movement, with 50 million people switching off their lights. Global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome’s Colosseum, the Sydney Opera House and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square, all stood in darkness.
In 2009, Earth Hour is being taken to the next level, with the goal of 1 billion people switching off their lights as part of a global vote. Unlike any election in history, it is not about what country you’re from, but instead, what planet you’re from. VOTE EARTH is a global call to action for every individual, every business, and every community. This is a call to stand up and take control over the future of our planet. Over 74 countries and territories have pledged their support to VOTE EARTH during Earth Hour 2009, and this number is growing every day.
What you can do:
• Switch off your lights for one hour, and join the world for Earth Hour, Saturday, March 28, 8:30-9:30pm.
• Tell A Friend. Better still – tell them, your family and even your work mates. Encourage them to sign up.
• Blog about it: Create a blog post about the importance of global action on climate change and how participation in Earth Hour can make a difference. Encourage your visitors to sign up for this initiative and be a part of the movement.
• SMS your friends: Let them know that they too have the power to make a difference!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

How to Do Everything with PHP and MySQL (How to Do Everything)

How to Do Everything with PHP and MySQL (How to Do Everything)

This new release in the popular How to Do Everything series explains how to build open source web applications with MySQL and PHP 5. Using these two tools, you’ll be able to create highly functional, interactive web sites easily. Follow along with a step-by-step sample application and, as a bonus, download three full-length case studies complete with code trees

Learning PHP & MySQL: Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Database-Driven Web Sites

Learning PHP & MySQL: Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Database-Driven Web Sites

PHP and MySQL are quickly becoming the de facto standard for rapid development of dynamic, database-driven web sites. This book is perfect for newcomers to programming as well as hobbyists who are intimidated by harder-to-follow books. With concepts explained in plain English, the new edition starts with the basics of the PHP language, and explains how to work with MySQL, the popular open source database. You then learn how to put the two together to generate dynamic content.

If you come from a web design or graphics design background and know your way around HTML, Learning PHP & MySQL is the book you've been looking for. The content includes:
  • PHP basics such as strings and arrays, and pattern matching
  • A detailed discussion of the variances in different PHP versions
  • MySQL data fundamentals like tables and statements
  • Information on SQL data access for language
  • A new chapter on XHTML
  • Error handling, security, HTTP authentication, and more
Learning PHP & MySQL explains everything from fundamental concepts to the nuts and bolts of performing specific tasks. As part of O'Reilly's bestselling Learning series, the book is an easy-to-use resource designed specifically for beginners. It's a launching pad for future learning, providing you with a solid foundation for more advanced development.

Learning PHP 5

Learning PHP 5

Learning PHP 5 is the ideal tutorial for graphic designers, bloggers, and other web crafters who want a thorough but non-intimidating way to understand the code that makes web sites dynamic. The book begins with an introduction to PHP, then moves to more advanced features: language basics, arrays and functions, web forms, connecting to databases, and much more. Complete with exercises to make sure the lessons stick, this book offers the ideal classroom learning experience whether you're in a classroom or on your own.

Learning PHP and MySQL

Learning PHP and MySQL

The PHP scripting language and MySQL open source database are quite effective independently, but together they make a simply unbeatable team. When working hand-in-hand, they serve as the standard for the rapid development of dynamic, database-driven websites. This combination is so popular, in fact, that it's attracting many programming newbies who come from a web or graphic design background and whose first language is HTML. If you fall into this ever-expanding category, then this book is for you.

Learning PHP and MySQL starts with the very basics of the PHP language, including strings and arrays, pattern matching and a detailed discussion of the variances in different PHP versions. Next, it explains how to work with MySQL, covering information on SQL data access for language and data fundamentals like tables and statements. Finally, after it's sure that you've mastered these separate concepts, the book shows you how to put them together to generate dynamic content. In the process, you'll also learn about error handling, security, HTTP authentication, and more.

If you're a hobbyist who is intimidated by thick, complex computer books, then this guide definitely belongs on your shelf. Learning PHP and MySQL explains everything--from basic concepts to the nuts and bolts of performing specific tasks--in plain English.

Part of O'Reilly's bestselling "Learning" series, the book is an easy-to-use resource designed specifically for newcomers. It's also a launching pad for future learning, providing you with a solid foundation for more advanced development.

Learning PHP Data Objects

Learning PHP Data Objects

This book is for PHP developers who need to use PHP Data Objects (PDO) for data abstraction. Covering an overview of PDO, getting started, error handling, prepared statements, handling rowsets, advanced uses, and use in an MVC application, it first describes the topic, then gives step-by-step instructions for a particular example. A final appendix covers the object-oriented features of PHP 5. Readers should be familiar with PHP and aware of the basics of data abstraction. Lighter, faster, more powerful than existing data abstraction interfaces, PDO is an open-source query abstraction layer for accessing databases and manipulating returned records that is used with a database-specific PDO driver to access a particular database. It has the same role as classic database abstraction layers such as ODBC and JDBC. PDO ships with PHP 5.1, and is available as a PECL extension for PHP 5.0; PDO requires the new OO features in the core of PHP 5, and so will not run with earlier versions of PHP.

Mastering PHP 4.1

Mastering PHP 4.1

Extending and Embedding PHP

Extending and Embedding PHP

In just a few years PHP has rapidly evolved from a small niche language to a powerful web development tool. Now in use on over 14 million Web sites, PHP is more stable and extensible than ever. However, there is no documentation on how to extend PHP; developers seeking to build PHP extensions and increase the performance and functionality of their PHP applications are left to word of mouth and muddling through PHP internals without systematic, helpful guidance. Although the basics of extension writing are fairly easy to grasp, the more advanced features have a tougher learning curve that can be very difficult to overcome. This is common at any moderate to high-traffic site, forcing the company hire talented, and high-priced, developers to increase performance. With Extending and Embedding PHP, Sara Golemon makes writing extensions within the grasp of every PHP developer, while guiding the reader through the tricky internals of PHP.

Foundation PHP 5 for Flash (Foundation)

Foundation PHP 5 for Flash (Foundation)

David Powers has been professionally involved with the electronic media for some 30 years, mostly in radio and television—he was BBC Tokyo correspondent in the late 1980s and early 1990s—but more recently with the Internet. He built his first site in 1995, and was instantly hooked. Eventually, the sheer tedium of updating content convinced him there must be a better way. After a brief flirtation with ASP, he experimented with PHP, and found himself hooked yet again.

A fluent Japanese speaker, Powers specializes in building Japanese-English bilingual websites, writing about Japan, and translating Japanese (he’s translated several plays). He co-authored Foundation Dreamweaver MX 2004 (1590593081) and PHP Web Development with Dreamweaver MX 2004 (1590593502). Powers also worked as technical reviewer on a number of web-related titles for Apress.

Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8

Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8

In this book, youll learn how to:
  • Install, configure, and troubleshoot a testing environment with PHP/MySQL and Apache or IIS
  • Learn the fundamentals of PHP and good database design
  • Use Dreamweaver 8 server behaviors to create robust dynamic applications that validate user input for greater security and reliability
  • Incorporate live XML feeds into your web pages with PHP and Dreamweaver 8s new XSL Transformation server behavior
  • Download and apply a suite of custom-built PHP functions designed exclusively for this book
Want to add the power of a database to your websites? Build online forms that send feedback straight to your inbox? Incorporate live news feeds and XML data into your web pages? This book shows you how to do all that and more. Dreamweaver 8 takes a lot of the hard work out of integrating a database into your websites, but it cant do everything. So instead of just giving you a series of instructions to click this and click that, this book helps you understand whats going on in the background. As a result, youre more likely to remember and to get it right. Most books on PHP concentrate on code and throw all design considerations out the window. This one is different. It makes use of Dreamweaver 8s vastly improved CSS rendering, and shows you how to build a site thats smart in both senses of the word. It looks good and is intelligent too. Youll learn how to change the entire look of the site, using PHP to serve up different stylesheets each month. Youll also build a contact form protected against email injection attacks. All of Dreamweavers PHP server behaviors are put through their paces, and youll even make some custom server behaviors that will come in useful on any site you create. Two chapters take you through the setup process with step-by-step instructions for both Windows and Mac OS X, helping you make the right choices: Apache or IIS? Remote or local testing? There are even instructions on how to set up virtual hosts on your own computer. And in the unlikely event that things go wrong, theres plenty of troubleshooting advice too. In this book we look specifically at using Dreamweaver's built-in server behaviors to build dynamic web sites using PHP and MySQL, the worlds most popular open source server-side language and database server combination, which are both reliable, powerful, and open source (and therefore free to use!) This latest version of Dreamweaver includes more powerful support for PHP and MySQL than ever before, and we'll show you how to make this work for you. No previous experience of PHP or MySQL is necessary to use this book. Examples built throughout the book include a content management system, and an online image gallery. All examples are designed to meet modern usability requirements and be web standards compliant. Summary of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: So, You Want to Build Dynamic Sites?
  • Chapter 2: Dreamweaver and PHPA Productive Partnership
  • Chapter 3: Getting the Work Environment Ready
  • Chapter 4: Getting Ready for the Case Study
  • Chapter 5: Integrating PHP into Your Site
  • Chapter 6: Getting Feedback from an Online Form
  • Chapter 7: Putting the Power of a Database
  • Chapter 8: Building a Random Quotation Generator
  • Chapter 9: Working with Multiple Tables
  • Chapter 10: Using Sessions to Track
  • Chapter 11: Displaying a Blog and Photo Gallery
  • Chapter 12: Using XSLT to Display Live News Feeds and XML
  • Appendix A: Using Languages Other Than English in MySQL
  • Appendix B: Essential MySQL Maintenance
  • Index

Foundation PHP for Flash

Foundation PHP for Flash

Written for the Flash developer who wants to do more, Steve Webster's PHP for Flash shows how to combine simple server-side scripts with Flash to create smarter, more versatile Web applications. With a truly engaging writing style and a sharp visual sense, this title will let any working Flash programmer make the transition to simple server-side scripting with PHP.

While most programming books print source code as is, this one distinguishes itself with a keen visual presentation with graphics used to highlight sections of both Flash ActionScript and basic PHP. It also helps that Webster is a notably lively writer. A few guiding principles govern this text. First, all the interfaces are created in Flash and ActionScript, and the book walks you through the steps required to build these designs.

After a basic tutorial of the PHP language, the author uses PHP to add additional functionality to Flash-powered Web applications, from managing user registration to searching news articles using regular expressions. This text provides one of the best (and most truly accessible) tutorials for understanding and using regular expressions. While most writers pass the buck to difficult online resources for regular expressions, the author takes the time to explain and demonstrate how regular expressions really work, with clear examples and a nicely patient presentation style.

Later, the book zeros in on using the MySQL database package for storing and retrieving data from Flash applications. To this end, there's a quick introduction to programming with SQL and how to query and update data using PHP combined with MySQL. Later chapters present case studies of larger Flash applications that make use of techniques demonstrated earlier, like a customizable user poll, a simple event scheduler, plus a threaded discussion forum. With a winning writing style and a concise presentation that makes smart use of graphics, PHP for Flash will put simple PHP programming within reach of anyone who has a little previous familiarity with Flash. --Richard Dragan

Topics covered: Overview of PHP 4 and scripting essentials, loading external data in Flash (a registration script), PHP language fundamentals (including variables, data types, arrays), using functions (calling conventions), string handling in PHP, in-depth tutorial on PHP regular expressions, using cookies, file I/O tutorial, introduction to the MySQL database platform, basic SQL syntax tutorial, using PHP and MySQL together (a simple content management system), case study for a user poll (including administration modules), event planner scheduler application, case study for a threaded discussion Web application, reference for installing PHP and MySQL, object-oriented programming essentials in PHP, and resources for PHP.

Foundations of PEAR: Rapid PHP Development (Foundations)

Foundations of PEAR: Rapid PHP Development (Foundations)

PEAR, the PHP Extension and Application Repository, is a bountiful resource for any PHP developer. Within its confines lie the tools that you need to do your job more quickly and efficiently. You need to be able to quickly assess and determine which PEAR package is the right one for the task you are up against. Then you need to know the API and see some examples of how to best use it. Foundations of PEAR is your one stop for locating the PEAR package you need. Authors Nathan Good and Allan Kent have carefully selected the most useful and widely used packages for this book.

Each package is broken down logically by function, and each one is covered in detail. The book presents each package in a manner that allows you to jump quickly to the key items you need to implement a solution. The authors understand that you need to see the packages in actioneach performing in real-world applications. So theyve included four projects in the book that each use a combination of PEAR packages in their implementations. Once youre armed with the knowledge in this book, youll be set to take your PHP development to a new level.

Core PHP Programming, Third Edition

Core PHP Programming, Third Edition

Core PHP Programming, Third Edition is the authoritative guide to the new PHP 5 for experienced developers. Top PHP developer Leon Atkinson and PHP 5 contributor/Zend Engine 2 co-creator Zeev Suraski cover every facet of real-world PHP 5 development, from basic syntax to advanced object--oriented development-even design patterns!

It's all here: networking, data structures, regular expressions, math, configuration, graphics, MySQL/PostgreSQL support, XML, algorithms, debugging, optimization...and 650 downloadable code examples, with a Foreword by PHP 5 contributor and Zend Engine 2 co-creator Andi Gutmans!

Core Web Application Development with PHP and MySQL

Core Web Application Development with PHP and MySQL

The programmers guide to building robust web applications with PHP and MySQL

This is a comprehensive, practical guide for programmers who want to develop production-quality, database-enabled web applications with PHP and MySQL. Long-time developer Marc Wandschneider systematically addresses the entire process: not only coding, but also upfront application, user interface and database design, PLUS security, testing, and more. Youll walk through building three applications from start to finish: a calendaring system, a weblog engine, and an e-commerce store. Along the way, youll master essential strategies for creating robust web database applications and learn how to avoid the common pitfalls that trip up many developers moving to PHP and MySQL.

Starts with a complete primer on PHP for developersincluding Contains detailed treatments of data access, including Presents powerful data validation techniques utilizing PHP regular Walks through planning web applications, including user interfaces Offers systematic guidance on securing web applications from end Covers a wide range of implementation issuesincluding internationalization, error handling, data validation, debugging, Includes detailed chapters on XML, XML-based web services, and the Shows how to work with the Oracle and PostgreSQL databases

Creating Database Web Applications with PHP and ASP (Internet Series)

Creating Database Web Applications with PHP and ASP (Internet Series)

If you want to add more power and functionality to your Web sites, add some database applications like a powerful shopping cart or a fun quiz game. Such applications make your site more dynamic, allow you to gather information, and provide customized experiences for your visitors. Creating Database Web Applications with PHP and ASP teaches beginning and intermediate designers the fundamentals of creating complex Web applications. By covering both open source (PHP/MySQL) and proprietary tools (Microsoft ASP and Access), readers gain insight to the strengths and weaknesses of each. In addition, they learn how to work with both sets of tools and determine which works best for their projects. Practical examples, including a shopping cart and quiz show, are used to teach the basic concepts behind creating and testing database code. Every example is also provided in both PHP and ASP for easy comparison and use. With the knowledge and experience gained here, beginners will learn the fundamental concepts behind these two technologies, while more experienced developers will learn which technology works best for their specific needs. Exercises, questions, and projects are included with each chapter.

Creating Interactive Web Sites with PHP and Web Services

Creating Interactive Web Sites with PHP and Web Services

Build Dynamic Websites with PHP and MySQL—and Extend Those Sites with Web Services

PHP and MySQL are great tools for building database-driven websites. There's nothing new about that. What is new is the environment in which your site operates—a world rich (and growing richer) in web services that can add value and functionality in many different ways. Creating Interactive Web Sites with PHP and Web Services walks you through every step of a major web project—a content-management system—teaching you both the basic techniques and little-known tricks you need to build successful web sites. And you can use those skills to develop dynamic applications that will meet your special requirements. Here's some of what you'll find covered inside:

  • Adding, deleting, and displaying data with a custom content-management system
  • Building a template system with PHP
  • Interacting with web services using PHP and MySQL
  • Creating and managing a user system and a shopping cart
  • Processing credit card payments using merchant accounts and third-party payment solutions
  • Tracking site statistics using PHP and MySQL
  • Enhancing your site with third-party scripts

Tons of examples, complete with explanations and supported by online source code, will speed your progress, whether you're a true beginner or already have PHP experience. This book is platform-agnostic, so it doesn't matter if you're deploying your site on Linux or Windows. You also get PHP and MySQL references, so you can quickly resolve questions about syntax and similar issues.

Essential PHP Security

Essential PHP Security

Being highly flexible in building dynamic, database-driven web applications makes the PHP programming language one of the most popular web development tools in use today.

It also works beautifully with other open source tools, such as the MySQL database and the Apache web server. However, as more web sites are developed in PHP, they become targets for malicious attackers, and developers need to prepare for the attacks. Security is an issue that demands attention, given the growing frequency of attacks on web sites.

Essential PHP Security explains the most common types of attacks and how to write code that isn't susceptible to them. By examining specific attacks and the techniques used to protect against them, you will have a deeper understanding and appreciation of the safeguards you are about to learn in this book. In the much-needed (and highly-requested) Essential PHP Security, each chapter covers an aspect of a web application (such as form processing, database programming, session management, and authentication).

Chapters describe potential attacks with examples and then explain techniques to help you prevent those attacks. Topics covered include: Preventing cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities Protecting against SQL injection attacks Complicating session hijacking attempts You are in good hands with author Chris Shiflett, an internationally-recognized expert in the field of PHP security. Shiflett is also the founder and President of Brain Bulb, a PHP consultancy that offers a variety of services to clients around the world.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Beginning PHP5

Beginning PHP5

What is this book about?

Beginning PHP5 is a complete tutorial in PHP5's language features and functionality, beginning with the basics and building up to the design and construction of complex data-driven Web sites. Fully functioning applications are developed through the course of the book. Other features of the book include installation guide and troubleshooting tips, introduction to relational databases, practical working examples and applications, and a detailed language reference.

Here are the new topics in this edition:

  • OOP
  • PEAR
  • GTK
  • MSI
  • CLI
  • SQLite
  • Error handling with try/catch

CakePHP Application Development

CakePHP Application Development

CodeIgniter for Rapid PHP Application Development

CodeIgniter for Rapid PHP Application Development

CodeIgniter (CI) is a powerful open-source PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for PHP coders who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. CodeIgniter is an MVC framework, similar in some ways to the Rails framework for Ruby, and is designed to enable, not overwhelm.

This book explains how to work with CodeIgniter in a clear logical way. It is not a detailed guide to the syntax of CodeIgniter, but makes an ideal complement to the existing online CodeIgniter user guide, helping you grasp the bigger picture and bringing together many ideas to get your application development started as smoothly as possible.

  • Clear, structured tutorial on working with CodeIgniter
  • Careful explanation of the basic concepts of CodeIgniter and its MVC architecture
  • Using CodeIgniter with databases, HTML forms, files, images, sessions, and email
  • Building a dynamic website quickly and easily using CodeIgniter's prepared code

Improve your PHP coding productivity with this guide to the powerful and popular CodeIgniter framework.

  • Setting up the CI package on your web server
  • Understanding the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern for organizing a dynamic website
  • Understanding the structure of a CI site
  • Designing better views and controllers
  • Object-oriented aspects of CI
  • Integrating databases such as MySQL and simplifying your database access
  • Making your site more robust and professional by using CI's built-in classes
  • Creating and validating HTML forms with CI form helpers
  • Handling files, images, and sessions with CI
  • Sending email from CI
  • Using CI for testing your code with error handling, unit testing, benchmarking, and profiling
  • Getting an XML-RPC server and client working
  • Generating Create, Update, Delete, and Read (C.R.U.D) entries on each database table

This book steps you through the main features of CodeIgniter in a systematic way, explaining them clearly with illustrative code examples.

Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL 8: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: From Novice to Professional)

Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL 8: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: From Novice to Professional)

Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL 8 delves into some of the most popular open source web development technologies, the PostgreSQL 8 database server and PHP 5 scripting language. You'll learn to reap the benefits of these core technologies by using them in unison to create dynamic, data-driven web applications. This is an ideal read if you are a web designer, programmer, hobbyist, or novice who wants to create applications with PHP 5 and PostgreSQL 8.

Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional (Beginning, from Novice to Professional)

Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional (Beginning, from Novice to Professional)

The PHP language and PostgreSQL database server have long offered an ideal blend of practicality and power for both the novice and experienced programmer alike. Yet the continued evolution of both technologies makes them better suited to drive enterprise-class applications than ever before. In Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional, noted authors Cristian Darie, Emilian Balanescu, and Mihai Bucica show you how to take advantage of this powerful duo to build an e-commerce web site, guiding you step-by-step through the process of designing and developing the project.

Each chapter is devoted to a specific new feature. You'll learn how to build an online product catalog complete with pagination features, shopping cart, checkout mechanism, product search feature, product recommendations, administrative features, customer accounts, an order-management system, and more. You'll also learn how to process electronic payments by integrating several popular payment services, including PayPal, DataCash, and, and how to integrate the Amazon E-Commerce Service (ECS).

The book promotes good programming practices, including the separation of presentation code, business code, and data access code using a 3-tier architecture. PDO (PHP Data Objects) is used to connect to the database, and PostgreSQL functions are used to store the data logic. The Smarty templating engine is used to create the presentation layer. For a preview of what this book will teach you, take a look at the HatShop shopping cart demo.

Who This Book Is For

Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional is aimed at developers looking for a tutorial approach to building a full e-commerce web site from design to deployment. However, its assumed that you have mastered the basics of PHP and have some experience working with relational databases (preferably PostgreSQL).

Debugging techniques for PHP programmers by Tyler Anderson


There are many PHP debugging techniques that can save you countless hours when coding. An effective but basic debugging technique is to simply turn on error reporting. Another slightly more advanced technique involves using print statements, which can help pinpoint more elusive bugs by displaying what is actually going onto the screen. PHPEclipse is a Eclipse plug-in that can highlight common syntax errors and can be used in conjunction with a debugger to set breakpoints.

Setting up

To learn the concepts described in this article, you are going to need PHP, a Web server, and Eclipse. The latest version of PHP supported by the debugger extension is V5.0.3.

We need a Web server to parse the pages you create in PHP and display them to the browser. This article uses Apache2. However, any Web server will suffice.

To take advantage of some of the debugging techniques in this article, you need to install Eclipse V3.1.1 and the plug-in: PHPEclipse V1.1.8. Since Eclipse requires Java™ technology, you also need to download that.

You also need the debugger module extension for PHP. Installing it is a bit tricky. Carefully follow the instructions for installing the debugger extension. For now, comment out the lines where you are asked to load and configure the extension in PHP in the php.ini file. We’ll uncomment those lines when we’re ready to use the debugger.

See Resources for download information. Now let's move on to error messages.

Error messages

Error messages are your first line of defense as a developer. You don't want to be developing code in PHP on a server that is not configured to display error messages. However, keep in mind that when your code is debugged and ready to go live, you want to make sure error reporting is turned off because you don't want visitors to your site seeing error messages that may give them enough knowledge to exploit a weakness and hack your site.

You can also use error messages to your advantage because they display the exact line of code that threw or generated an error. This makes debugging a matter of looking at the line number shown on the browser by the generated error and checking that line number in your code. Later, you will see that the PHPEclipse plug-in aides significantly in the development and debugging process by underlining syntax errors on the fly and by marking syntax errors with a red "x" when saving your file.

Let's take a look at how to turn error reporting on in the php.ini file and set the level of error reporting. Then you'll learn how to override these settings in the Apache configuration file.

Error reporting in PHP

There are many configuration settings in the php.ini file. You should already have set up up your php.ini file and placed it in the appropriate directory, as shown in the instructions in the Install PHP and Apache2 on Linux document (see Resources). There are a couple configuration variables you should know about when debugging your PHP applications. Here they are with their default values:

display_errors = Off

error_reporting = E_ALL

You can discover the current default values of these variables by searching for them in the php.ini file. The purpose of the display_errors variable is self-evident -- it tells PHP whether or not to display errors. The default value is Off. To make your life easier in the development process, however, set this value to On by replacing Off:

display_errors = On

The error_reporting variable has a default value of E_ALL. This displays everything from bad coding practices to harmless notices to errors. E_ALL is a little too picky for my liking in the development process because it clutters the browser output by displaying notices on the screen for small things like uninitialized variables. I prefer to see the errors, any bad coding practices, but not the harmless notices. Therefore, replace the default value of error_reporting as follows:

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

Restart Apache, and you're all set. Next, you'll learn how to do the same thing on Apache.

Error reporting in the server

Depending on what Apache is doing, turning error reporting on in PHP may not work because you may have multiple PHP versions on your computer. It's sometimes hard to tell which PHP version Apache is pointing to because Apache can only look at one php.ini file. Not knowing which php.ini file Apache is using to configure itself is a security problem. However, there is a way to configure PHP variables in Apache to guarantee the setting of the correct error levels.

Also, it's good to know how to set these configuration variables on the server side to veto or pre-empt the php.ini file, providing a greater level of security.

You should already have toyed with basic configurations in the http.conf file at /conf/httpd.conf when you configured Apache.

To do the same as you just did in the php.ini file, add the following lines to your httpd.conf to override any and all php.ini files:

php_flag  display_errors        on

php_value error_reporting 2039

This overrides the flag you have set for display_errors in the php.ini file, as well as the value of error_reporting. The value 2039 stands for E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE. If you prefer E_ALL, set the value to 2047, instead. Again, make sure you restart Apache.

Next, we'll test error reporting on your server.

Testing error reporting

You will save a great deal of time if you leave error reporting enabled. Errors in PHP point you right to the error in your code. Create a simple PHP file, test.php, and define it as shown in Listing 1.

Listing 1. A simple PHP that generates an error

  1. print("The next line generates an error.

  2. printaline("PLEASE?");

  3. print("This will not be displayed due to the above error.");

  4. ?>

The first print() statement should display its contents to the Web browser. However, the second statement generates and displays an error to the Web page. This results in the last print() statement do nothing


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