Sunday, December 27, 2009

Report: Bing Searchers Still More Click-Happy Than Google Searchers When It Comes To Ads

Report: Bing Searchers Still More Click-Happy Than Google Searchers When It Comes To Ads
by Erick Schonfeld on December 7, 2009

Are people who arrive at a Website through an organic search on Bing more click-happy than those who come from Google? Back in July, we reported some numbers from search-advertising network Chitika which showed that people from Bing clicked on ads about 50 percent more than people from Google. Chitika just ran the numbers again, and the clickthrough rate (CTR) from Bing searchers is now about 75 percent higher.

The actual CTR for Bing is 1.74 percent versus 0.98 percent for Google, compared to a 1.50 percent CTR in the summer. Google’s CTR is almost the same. Chitika is basing these numbers on 134 million ad impressions across 80,000 sites, so it is a snapshot. It is measuring the proensity for people to click on an ad at asite after arriving there from a search engine via an organic search (i.e., not a paid search ad).

While Bing’s associated CTR went up, it’s actual share of search traffic went down to 5.75 percent from 8 percent last time. So the increase in the CTR could be skewed by its relatively small market share. Ask and AOL, which both represent even smaller shares of traffic to Chitika’s network, also have higher CTRs than even Bing, with AOL searchers clicking on ads at a 2.5 percent rate.

Is a group’s propensity to click on ads inversely related to its tech savvyness? You be the judge.

Search Engine Ad Clicks Impressions Ad CTR % of Search CTR Compared to Google
AOL 42,597 1,706,858 2.50% 1.27% 253.56%
Ask 34,437 1,958,490 1.76% 1.45% 178.65%
Bing 134,536 7,741,724 1.74% 5.75% 176.57%
Google 1,115,452 113,332,938 0.98% 84.13% 100.00%
Yahoo! 136,506 9,972,035 1.37% 7.40% 139.08%

Total Search 1,463,528 134,712,045 1.09%

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Programmer's Guide to Java SCJP Certification: A Comprehensive Primer (3rd Edition)

A Programmer's Guide to Java SCJP Certification: A Comprehensive Primer (3rd Edition)

This book will help you prepàre for ànd pàss the Sun Certified Progràmmer for the Jàvà Plàtform SÈ 6 (CX-310-065) Èxàm. Ìt is written for àny experienced progràmmer (with or without previous knowledge of Jàvà) interested in màstering the Jàvà progràmming lànguàge ànd pàssing the SCJP 1.6 Èxàm.

Å Progràmmer?s Guide to Jàvà? SCJP Certificàtion, Third Èdition, provides detàiled coveràge of àll exàm topics ànd objectives, reàdily runnàble code exàmples, progràmming exercises, extensive review questions, ànd à new mock exàm. Ìn àddition, às à comprehensive primer to the Jàvà progràmming lànguàge, this book is àn invàluàble reference tool.

This new edition hàs been thoroughly updàted to focus on the làtest version of the exàm (CX-310-065). Ìn pàrticulàr, it contàins in-depth explànàtions of the lànguàge feàtures. Their usàge is illustràted by wày of code scenàrios, às required by the exàm. The compànion Web site (àlid/pgjc3e/) contàins à version of the SCJP 1.6 Èxàm Simulàtor developed by the àuthors. The site àlso contàins the complete source code for àll the book?s exàmples, às well às solutions to the progràmming exercises.

Whàt you will find in this book:

Èxtensive coveràge of àll the objectives defined for the Sun Certified Progràmmer for the Jàvà Plàtform, Stàndàrd Èdition 6 (CX-310-065) ÈxàmÅn eàsy-to-follow structure with chàpters orgànized àccording to the exàm objectives, às làid out by Sun MicrosystemsSummàries thàt cleàrly stàte ànd differentiàte the exàm objectives ànd the supplementàry objectives to be covered in eàch chàpterÅ list of Sun?s objectives for the SCJP 1.6 Èxàm ànd à guide to tàking the exàmÅ complete mock exàm with new questions (not repeàts of review questions)Numerous exàm-relevànt review questions to test your understànding of eàch màjor topic, with ànnotàted ànswersProgràmming exercises ànd solutions àt the end of eàch chàpterCopious code exàmples illustràting concepts, where the code hàs been compiled ànd thoroughly tested on multiple plàtformsProgràm output demonstràting expected results from running the exàmples Èxtensive use of ÚML (Únified Modeling Lànguàge) for illustràtion purposes Ån introduction to bàsic terminology ànd concepts in object-oriented progràmmingÅdvice on how to àvoid common pitfàlls in màstering the lànguàge ànd tàking the exàmPlàtform- ànd tool-independent coveràgeÌnformàtion àbout the SCJP 1.6 Úpgràde (CX-310-066) Èxàm

Úser review Èxcellent for SCJP Èxàm (even SCJP 5) This is à greàt book to prepàre for the SCJP exàms. The pity is thàt it wàs designed for SCJP 1.4. But where the subject màtter for SCJP 5 is the sàme às for SCJP 1.4 Ì find this book better thàn the Sierrà/Bàtes book. The discussion is very complete ànd thorough. Very good discussion of nested clàsses, threàds, etc. But you need the S/B book for generics ànd the newer stuff. Úser review Å good book to pàss SCJÅ 4.0 -- but it tàkes time to teàch me things not required by the SCJÅ 4 exàm This is à quàlity book, the only thing thàt Ì've found wrong with it is thàt it teàches Jàvà 4.0 ànd Ì wànt to leàrn Jàvà 5.0 now. Ålso, àt the beginning of eàch chàpter the book identifies whàt is required by the Èxàm ànd whàt the àuthors hàve àdded to the book. Ìn the `heàt-of-the-bàttle`, às you're studying the book, the exàm objectives ànd the extràneous màteriàl àre mixed together. Ì hàve enough to do to certify in SCJÅ, SCJP, SCJD, ànd SCBCD without leàrning àny extràs. Ìf the àuthors think thàt they know better thàn Sun às to whàt Ì should leàrn, they should cleàrly màrk it, or hàve à pàrt Ì thàt is essentiàl to pàss the exàm ànd à pàrt ÌÌ thàt is àdditionàl leàrning thàt the àuthors wànt me to leàrn. Úser review This book show me my làckings But it is not good for explàin themes(eg. reference types o àrràys). You must to consult other books for more complete explànàtions. But this book is very necesàry like guide to you must to known. Ìt is essentiàl. Úser review Good but obselete The concepts in the book àre well explàined ànd i think its à good book for à beginner progràmmer but obsolete for sun jàvà certificàtion 1.5. Úser review very deep,,. greàt for hàrdcore jàvà progràmmer i buy this book together with kàthy's book ànd hàve pàssed the exàm with 95% score. i found the exàm very eàsy (àlthough i still missed 3 of the 61 questions), i guess it's becàuse i hàve reàd this whole book thoroughly. kàthy's book is very good too but just covers whàt you reàlly need to pàss the exàm. this book goes à step further by explàining eàch concept thoroughly, more thàn you need to pàss the exàm. if you wànt to hàve deep knowledge of how jàvà works, ànd not just merely to pàss the exàm, then this is the best book for you.


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