Monday, July 14, 2008

Beginning JSP 2: From Novice to Professional

Beginning JSP 2: From Novice to Professional

Although many people might start with Java by picking up a beginning Java-type book, one alternative route is through web programming as Java has always had an affinity to the web. Putting together a JSP page is a relatively easy affair, therefore this book takes the approach of teaching Java through teaching JSP.

Covers the latest version of the JavaServer Pages specification 2.0 using the official reference implementation - Apache Tomcat 5. Also covers software, technologies, and specifications associated with JSP, including Struts, and Apache Tomcat 5.


Welcome said...

I need Java Foundation Classes(JFC) ebook.Please try to get it for me.My mail ID is leave a message or send me the link to download.Thanx in advance

Vishvesh said...

Hi Sundar have uploaded your book.Please have a look.

Thanx for your comment.


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