Sunday, July 13, 2008

Enterprise JavaBeans Component Architecture: Designing and Coding Enterprise Applications

Enterprise JavaBeans Component Architecture: Designing and Coding Enterprise Applications

Proven techniques and patterns for enterprise development.

  • Design guidelines for EJB 2.0 component architecture
  • Powerful patterns for enterprise application design
  • Extensive real-world code examples
  • Covers every type of component, including message-driven beans

This book simplifies the creation of well-designed enterprise applications using the upgraded Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0 specification. Experienced Java platform mentors Gail Anderson and Paul Anderson use detailed code examples to introduce every key skill involved in creating components, stand-alone Java platform clients, and JavaServer Pages API clients. They introduce powerful EJB platform design patterns, and show how to apply them in real-world projects while avoiding critical errors in application design. Using actual business components, the authors show how to make the most of these key EJB component architecture features:

  • Stateless and stateful session beans
  • Entity beans with bean-managed persistence
  • Entity beans with container-managed persistence
  • Container-managed relationships
  • Local and remote interfaces
  • The Enterprise JavaBeans Query Language
  • EJB 2.0 specification message driven beans

Each chapter includes a "Design Guidelines and Patterns" section designed to help you assess tradeoffs associated with your design decisions, and key point summaries that tie together important concepts. In short, Anderson and Anderson give you everything you need to build EJB 2.0 platform applications with maximum robustness, scalability, and performance.

Everything you need to take full advantage of the EJB 2.0 specification:

  • Extensive code examples—real-world business components with just enough complexity to explain subtle design issues
  • How to apply J2EE platform design patterns—Value Object, Data Access Object, Value List Iterator, and Session Fa¿ade Pattern
  • Design guidelines for building distributed applications that avoid common pitfalls
  • Expert insight into matching enterprise beans to application requirements
  • Crystal-clear explanations of the key concepts that make EJB technology so powerful

Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 (5th Edition)

Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 (5th Edition)

As many Java developers and IS managers already know, Sun's powerful Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) technology offers an attractive option for developing server-side components. A suitable read for both managers and Java programmers, Enterprise JavaBeans provides a surprisingly clear and engaging introduction to designing and programming with EJBs.

The tour of the EJB component model presented here centers on several beans created and tested for a travel reservation system in a fictitious cruise ship company. The samples are just right in scale, large enough to test out key concepts in design and deployment, but small enough to be comprehensible, even to those who are not Java experts. The author pays close attention to the real-world issues of deployment with EJBs (as well as the differences among the vendor application servers that run them).

While there are enough details in Java syntax for designing both entity and session beans for the developer, sections on design here will please those who manage projects without delving much into code. Later, the author shows various ways to design entity and session beans. (For instance, entity beans can allow their bean containers to handle the details of connecting to a database, or they can do it themselves. This book demonstrates both approaches.) When it comes to session beans (which "wire" together entity beans to do real work), the author's introduction to managing state and transactions is also a standout. Tips for performance and reusability close out the book.

In all, Enterprise JavaBeans provides an engaging tour of one of the most promising component technologies. It's technically astute, but thoroughly approachable too, and can serve the needs of any manager or Java developer considering EJBs for future projects. --Richard Dragan

Topics covered: Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) basics, distributed architectures, Component Transaction Monitors (CTMs), bean-containers, home and remote bean interfaces, resource management, configuring EJB servers, entity beans, JNDI, container-managed and bean-managed persistence, session beans, stateless and stateful beans, transactions, design and performance hints.

Enterprise JavaBeans 2.1

Enterprise JavaBeans 2.1

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) is a server-side component model for transaction aware, distributed enterprise applications written in the Java programming language. Enterprise JavaBeans 2.1 details the architecture of the Enterprise JavaBeans component model. After an introduction to the component paradigm, the EJB architecture basics are introduced. Based on that, the different component types (Session-, Entity- and Message-Driven-Beans) are discussed in detail. An in-depth introduction to the Java Message Service (JMS) is provided to understand the ideas behind asynchronous and parallel processing provided through Message-Driven-Beans. Transactions, security, and the newly introduced timer service round up the book.

Enterprise JavaBeans 2.1 also discusses topics beyond the specification, e.g. inheritance, coupling of EJB components, quality assurance, and more. After reading this book, readers will know the benefits and the limits of EJB. The authors also impart the knowledge required for turning business requirements into EJB-based applications.

Enterprise JavaBeans (3rd Edition)

Enterprise JavaBeans (3rd Edition)

As many Java developers and IS managers already know, Sun's powerful Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) technology offers an attractive option for developing server-side components. A suitable read for both managers and Java programmers, Enterprise JavaBeans provides a surprisingly clear and engaging introduction to designing and programming with EJBs.

The tour of the EJB component model presented here centers on several beans created and tested for a travel reservation system in a fictitious cruise ship company. The samples are just right in scale, large enough to test out key concepts in design and deployment, but small enough to be comprehensible, even to those who are not Java experts. The author pays close attention to the real-world issues of deployment with EJBs (as well as the differences among the vendor application servers that run them).

While there are enough details in Java syntax for designing both entity and session beans for the developer, sections on design here will please those who manage projects without delving much into code. Later, the author shows various ways to design entity and session beans. (For instance, entity beans can allow their bean containers to handle the details of connecting to a database, or they can do it themselves. This book demonstrates both approaches.) When it comes to session beans (which "wire" together entity beans to do real work), the author's introduction to managing state and transactions is also a standout. Tips for performance and reusability close out the book.

In all, Enterprise JavaBeans provides an engaging tour of one of the most promising component technologies. It's technically astute, but thoroughly approachable too, and can serve the needs of any manager or Java developer considering EJBs for future projects. --Richard Dragan

Topics covered: Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) basics, distributed architectures, Component Transaction Monitors (CTMs), bean-containers, home and remote bean interfaces, resource management, configuring EJB servers, entity beans, JNDI, container-managed and bean-managed persistence, session beans, stateless and stateful beans, transactions, design and performance hints.

EJB Design Patterns: Advanced Patterns, Processes, and Idioms

EJB Design Patterns: Advanced Patterns, Processes, and Idioms

Proven techniques and patterns for enterprise development.

  • Design guidelines for EJB 2.0 component architecture
  • Powerful patterns for enterprise application design
  • Extensive real-world code examples
  • Covers every type of component, including message-driven beans

This book simplifies the creation of well-designed enterprise applications using the upgraded Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0 specification. Experienced Java platform mentors Gail Anderson and Paul Anderson use detailed code examples to introduce every key skill involved in creating components, stand-alone Java platform clients, and JavaServer Pages API clients. They introduce powerful EJB platform design patterns, and show how to apply them in real-world projects while avoiding critical errors in application design. Using actual business components, the authors show how to make the most of these key EJB component architecture features:

  • Stateless and stateful session beans
  • Entity beans with bean-managed persistence
  • Entity beans with container-managed persistence
  • Container-managed relationships
  • Local and remote interfaces
  • The Enterprise JavaBeans Query Language
  • EJB 2.0 specification message driven beans

Each chapter includes a "Design Guidelines and Patterns" section designed to help you assess tradeoffs associated with your design decisions, and key point summaries that tie together important concepts. In short, Anderson and Anderson give you everything you need to build EJB 2.0 platform applications with maximum robustness, scalability, and performance.

Everything you need to take full advantage of the EJB 2.0 specification:

  • Extensive code examples—real-world business components with just enough complexity to explain subtle design issues
  • How to apply J2EE platform design patterns—Value Object, Data Access Object, Value List Iterator, and Session Fa¿ade Pattern
  • Design guidelines for building distributed applications that avoid common pitfalls
  • Expert insight into matching enterprise beans to application requirements
  • Crystal-clear explanations of the key concepts that make EJB technology so powerful

EJB Cookbook

EJB Cookbook

Just as cookbooks contain step-by-step directions for creating different dishes, this book contains recipes for solving problems concerning Enterprise JavaBeans. Topics addressed range from simple, everyday issues to complex design issues using EJB patterns. Intended for developers with some EJB development experience, an understanding of the concepts of enterprise development and the basics of EJB programming is assumed. This book clearly addresses problems and issues and avoids the use of EJB keywords, making it ideal for developers who want quick solutions to frequent problems—or simply EJB development ideas. Easy-to-find recipes range from the common to the advanced and include techniques for securing a message-driven bean, generating EJB code, and improving an entity bean persistence layer.

EJB 3 in Action

EJB 3 in Action

EJB 3 in Action tackles EJB 3 and the Java Persistence API head-on, providing practical code samples, real-life scenarios, best practices, design patterns, and performance tuning tips. This book builds on the contributions and strengths of seminal technologies like Spring, Hibernate, and TopLink.

EJB 3 is the most important innovation introduced in Java EE 5.0. EJB 3 simplifies enterprise development, abandoning the complex EJB 2.x model in favor of a lightweight POJO framework. The new API represents a fresh perspective on EJB without sacrificing the mission of enabling business application developers to create robust, scalable, standards-based solutions.

EJB 3 in Action is a fast-paced tutorial, geared toward helping you learn EJB 3 and the Java Persistence API quickly and easily. For newcomers to EJB, this book provides a solid foundation in EJB. For the developer moving to EJB 3 from EJB 2, this book addresses the changes both in the EJB API and in the way the developer should approach EJB and persistence.

EJB & JSP: Java on the Edge

EJB & JSP: Java on the Edge

This book presents JSP and EJB to the HTML-savvy Java programmer, with a caveat: any Java developer interested indeveloping multi-tiered distributed applications needs to know something about a range of J2EE APIs. That said,knowing JSP will allow a programmer to create dynamic web content (easier than with Java Servlets) and knowing EJBwill allow a programmer to encapsulate data as objects and create reusable code components. In short, knowing JSPand EJB will take a programmer a good majority of the way along the path of J2EE application development.
The first section discusses J2EE in more depth, with special emphasis on how and where JSP and EJB fit in. The second section covers JavaServer Pages including numerous JSP examples. The book provides the JSP's for the main application developed and dissected, a hotel booking application. The final part covers Enterprise JavaBeans. The bulkof this section is creating and analyzing EJBs to work with the JSPs developed earlier in the book. By the end of the book, the hotel booking application is complete.

This Unlimited Edition stays up to date long after other publications. A companion Web site includes all the code and examples from the book, and is updated to include new chapters, programs, and other related material.

Bitter EJB

Bitter EJB

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) are the server-side core of J2EE application development. This guide discusses common programming problems (referred to as "antipatterns") encountered by developers when working with EJB. Although acknowledging EJB's shortcomings, the authors demonstrate that it may be applied effectively to build distributed, transactional, scalable systems that solve real problems. Coverage includes sessions, messaging APIs, persistence, and performance tuning. Tate is also the author of Bitter Java (2002).

Beginning EJB 3 Application Development: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: from Novice to Professional)

Beginning EJB 3 Application Development: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: from Novice to Professional)

EJB 3.0 has made huge advances in ease of development, and its drastically simplified programming model has been widely acclaimed. Targeted at Java and J2EE developers both with and without prior EJB experience, Beginning EJB 3 Application Development takes readers through the details of the EJB 3.0 architecture, and shows how EJB can be used to develop powerful, standards-based backend business logic. With 12 years of combined EJB experience, the authors offer many practical insights into the entire EJB architecture and cover all areas of the EJB 3.0 specification, including

  • Complete exploration of all types of beans, from session beans to message-driven beans and entity beans
  • A deep look at the new EJB 3 persistence and object-relational mapping mechanisms
  • Application client integration
  • Testing inside and outside the EJB container
  • Comprehensive sample application with integrated EJB components
  • Upgrade headaches--common issues encountered when migrating from EJB 2.1 to EJB 3.0

With Java and SQL under your belt, this book will teach you EJB 3 from the ground up. It provides a complete and practical roadmap to EJB 3 architecture and programming. And it covers upgrade issues that you'll encounter when migrating from EJB 2.1 to EJB 3.0, so it's highly relevant if you're already an EJB developer.

O'Reilly Java Swing

O'Reilly Java Swing

Java Swing, long regarded as the authoritative book on using the Swing classes, is available in a new edition that builds on a solid foundation in exploring the Java 2 Swing additions and modifications. This is a big, tremendously detailed, exhaustively researched, and ultimately authoritative reference that pushes the limits of what a book can do toward eliminating the necessity of writing experimental programs to see how Swing classes work in practice. You'll find in these pages bits of software that show how most of Swing works: all of the major features get lavish attention, while most of the minor classes are demonstrated adequately, as well.
You could probably find demonstrations free of charge on the Internet, however. The true value of this work is in the comments its five authors have attached to their copious examples. They can be quite specific: at least one such segment warns that default Swing behavior violates Mac OS X user interface guidelines and explains how to work around the problem. Another section explains how the methods of the UndoableEdit class can be used in various ways, to implement different user interface behavior options. Some readers will head straight to the O'Reilly Web site, where they can grab the code and examine it in an editor rather than in print--code listings take up a lot of space here--but everyone will appreciate the concise hierarchy, method, and property documentation, as well as the wisdom contained in the prose.

Next Generation Java Testing: Testing and Advanced Concepts

Next Generation Java Testing: Testing and Advanced Concepts

Enterprise Java developers must achieve broader, deeper test coverage, going beyond unit testing to implement functional and integration testing with systematic acceptance. Next Generation Java Testing introduces breakthrough Java testing techniques and TestNG, a powerful open source Java testing platform.

Cédric Beust, TestNG's creator, and leading Java developer Hani Suleiman, present powerful, flexible testing patterns that will work with virtually any testing tool, framework, or language. They show how to leverage key Java platform improvements designed to facilitate effective testing, such as dependency injection and mock objects. They also thoroughly introduce TestNG, demonstrating how it overcomes the limitations of older frameworks and enables new techniques, making it far easier to test today's complex software systems.

Pragmatic and results-focused, Next Generation Java Testing will help Java developers build more robust code for today's mission-critical environments.

This book

  • Illuminates the tradeoffs associated with testing, so you can make better decisions about what and how to test
  • Introduces TestNG, explains its goals and features, and shows how to apply them in real-world environments
  • Shows how to integrate TestNG with your existing code, development frameworks, and software libraries
  • Demonstrates how to test crucial code features, such as encapsulation, state sharing, scopes, and thread safety
  • Shows how to test application elements, including JavaEE APIs, databases, Web pages, and XML files
  • Presents advanced techniques: testing partial failures, factories, dependent testing, remote invocation, cluster-based test farms, and more
  • Walks through installing and using TestNG plug-ins for Eclipse, and IDEA
  • Contains extensive code examples

Whether you use TestNG, JUnit, or another testing framework, the testing design patterns presented in this book will show you how to improve your tests by giving you concrete advice on how to make your code and your design more testable.

Jdbc Java Database Connectivity

Jdbc Java Database Connectivity

This valuable guide provides both the academic side--designing databases--and the practical side--coding interfaces--of enterprise applications involving JDBC. Van Haecke goes into much detail on designing database applications, a process he calls identifying the "business logic" of a program. He talks a little bit about three-tier database design (though dbAnywhere and similar programs get glossed over) and discusses CORBA from a conceptual point of view. Van Haecke also covers Remote Method Invocation (RMI) and security in more depth than most books offer; the automotive-flavored sample application included for RMI is hardly typical of the usual dry fare employed to explain the subject. Van Haecke, a Sun Microsystems consultant, shines when he explains complicated database topics. This book includes a great discussion of serving multimedia from a database, including a complete sample application for that purpose. All the source code appears on the companion CD-ROM along with Bongo 1.0, JDK 1.1.1, and some other tools. If you already have a decent grasp of JDBC and want guidance through the hairier aspects of Java database work, this is the book for you.

Java Web Services in a Nutshell

Java Web Services in a Nutshell

Java Web Services in a Nutshell is a high-speed tutorial and a quick reference for the technologies that Sun Microsystems is creating for implementing web services with Java. This book is a succinct introduction and handy reference to the Java/XML APIs, more commonly known as the JWSDP or "Java Web Services Development Pack." These APIs are taking the Java world by storm, as they are capable of handling everything from simple XML to SOAP to full ebXML vocabularies. Although "web services" technology has suffered from much hype and overly grand expectations, there is plenty of solid development going on, especially in extending enterprise applications, and a huge amount of this development is being done in Java. As a result, the J2EE APIs for web services are evolving rapidly, and this new "in a Nutshell" book covers them all in depth. One of the most important APIs in the JWSDP is JAX-RPC (Java API for XML-based RPC). It's also the API that developers most consistently post questions about. Java Web Services in a Nutshell covers all aspects of JAX-RPC in detail, with tutorial coverage alone exceeding 150 pages. This book offers developers everything they need to program with JAX-RPC. Java Web Services in a Nutshell begins with an introduction to Java web services, including a discussion of how they differ from web applications. The author looks at the protocols and interfaces that underpin web services, the J2EE technologies that address web services, WSDL as the means for describe web services, and more. Subsequent chapters cover:

  • SOAP and the SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ)
  • Reliable SOAP messaging with JAXM
  • WSDL
  • Advanced JAX-RPC
  • JAXR, the XML-based registry API
  • Web Services Tools

The balance of the book is made up of an API Quick Reference containing documentation for the various API packages. Intended for Java developers who need to implement Java services or who need their applications to access existing web services, Java Web Services in a Nutshell delivers practical information to help developers make sense of the rapidly changing and poorly organized official documentation. If web services and Enterprise Java are any part of your job description -- of if you'd like them to be -- you'll want this book close beside as you work.

Java Threads, Second Edition

Java Threads, Second Edition

Building sophisticated Java applets means learning about threading--if you need to read data from a network, for example, you can't afford to let a delay in its delivery lock up your entire applet. Java Threads introduces the Java threading API and uses non-computing analogies--such as scenarios involving bank tellers--to explain the need for synchronization and the dangers of deadlock. Scott Oaks and Henry Wong follow up their high-level examples with more detailed discussions on building a thread scheduler in Java, dealing with advanced synchronization issues, and handling exceptions.

Java Secrets (Secrets S.)

Java Secrets (Secrets S.)

Java is generally a well-documented language, but not every language feature is fully specified, documented, or identical across all platforms. Java Secrets takes you into this Java twilight zone and introduces you to the language's hidden power. The book's first section explores the inner workings of many Java mechanisms, including representation of data types in memory, argument passing, and the implementation of strings and arrays. The author also investigates niceties of threading models and garbage collection as implemented on different Java platforms.

A large group of undocumented classes (the sun.* packages) constitute what amounts to an undocumented Java application programming interface (API). The next large section of Java Secrets details these classes and how to use them safely. Although these classes ostensibly exist to support the Java environment, you'll learn how to use many of their interfaces for a variety of tasks including layout management; FTP, HTTP, mail, and news communication; data encoding; and character conversion. A final big chunk of the book is devoted to techniques for adding platform-dependent features to Java applications. This is a controversial subject for a supposedly platform-independent programming system, but the author provides a balanced assessment of the benefits and drawbacks.

All in all, this is one of the most interesting, unusual, and engagingly written books on Java programming we've seen. It's hard to imagine a serious Java programmer who wouldn't find it well worth his or her time.


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